Due to the fact that we also receive more and more questions from you related to the topic of training and courses needed to obtain a firearms permit, we will try to bring this topic a bit closer in this entry. First of all, it should be remembered that a firearms permit is issued for specific purposes, e.g. personal protection, protection of people and property, sports, hunting, etc. Psychological tests, medical examinations, and of course an appropriate exam at the shooting range are required. As part of the theoretical knowledge necessary to obtain a gun permit, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the current legal status regarding the possession and use of weapons, such as the provisions of the Penal Code, shooting range regulations, etc.

As part of the practical knowledge, at the beginning you will need skills in disassembling and disassembling weapons, as well as loading and unloading them. In the next steps, we will get acquainted with issues related to, for example, dealing with inoperative or jamming weapons, determining the subsequent parts of the weapon and, of course, at the very end with the techniques of shooting and handling various types of weapons. Below you will find some photos presenting the course and training before such an exam.