A firearms permit for sports purposes, what needs to be done and what conditions must be met to enjoy owning a firearm.

In order to become the owner of a firearm for sports purposes, several conditions must be met, the first one being 18 years of age and belonging to a shooting club associated with PZSS for a minimum of 3 months before you can take the shooting license exam.

The second condition is passing the exam, which consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is a single-choice test consisting of 10 questions, where 4 of them are questions from the Act on Weapons and Ammunition and the remaining 6 concern the issues of shooting sport, but you can only make one mistake in the part relating to shooting sport. After successfully passing the test, we will have a theoretical exam, which, depending on the type of weapon we want to have a permit for, may include a pistol, a rifle and a shotgun.

The pistol exam in the Małopolska branch of PZSS consists in firing 5 shots from a standing position within 5 minutes. to the Ts-2 target from a distance of 25m from a rimfire weapon, in this case it will be a Margolin pistol, and the measure of a positive score is a minimum of 4 bullet holes in the target concentrated in a 15cm circle.

We pass the rifle in a prone position with a support at a distance of 50 m from a kbks type weapon to a rifle target, here, as in the pistol, within 5 minutes. we must fire 5 shots and a minimum of 4 holes should be within a 5 cm circle to successfully complete the exam.

When it comes to the shotgun, we have a choice of skeet shooting or shooting at the metal popper. The vast majority of people choose the latter option due to the much lower degree of difficulty. Both types of exam are conducted with a Bock type shotgun powered by buckshot ammunition.

In the case of skeet shooting, you must hit 3 out of 5 darts fired from the machine set for the Trap competition, while in the popper we must hit 4 out of 5 shots cleanly from 15m.

When we manage to successfully get through the entire exam, we really have it downhill and everything else is a formality. We are waiting for the shooting patent and when it reaches us, we apply for a sports license, from the moment we are granted the license, we can already take part in shooting competitions.

The next step on our way to owning our own weapons will be completing all the documents that we must submit to the appropriate administrative authority issuing firearms permits, in the case of civilians, it will be the WPA, i.e. the Administrative Proceedings Department of the provincial police headquarters, for soldiers, the Military Police headquarters.

Documents that we need to collect before submitting to the police:

  • shooting patent
  • competition license valid for a given year
  • club membership certificate
  • medical exams
  • confirmation of payment of the administrative fee
  • application for a firearms license


An important issue for people applying for a permit is the issue of the costs they will have to bear, and the time that must pass from joining the club to receiving their own gun. We will explain this issue in detail below.

When it comes to the final price you need to prepare for, it will consist of many factors, namely:

  • the cost of the annual club fee varies from PLN 300 to PLN 500, depending on the fee
  • the cost of the patent examination is PLN 450
  • opinion of a sports doctor about PLN 150 to PLN 200
  • cost of issuing a license PLN 60
  • medical examinations from PLN 450 to PLN 600
  • administration fee PLN 242

Added to this is the cost of issuing promises, each is PLN 17.

As it is easy to calculate, the sum should not exceed PLN 2,000, assuming that the period for which it will fall is about 4-6 months, because that is how long the entire project usually takes, it does not seem like a large amount.

We deliberately did not include the costs of training to prepare for the exam, because it looks different for everyone, some people need to spend more time on training, others only three meetings at the shooting range are enough.

The total cost of an hour of training at the Gotoshoot shooting range is PLN 250/hour

On the main page you will find a full offer regarding shooting in Krakow.