Regardless of what field of sport he deals with, you should always take care of the substantive and technical background first. If we want to become champions, we cannot bet on practice alone. We also need knowledge. In the case of non-shot training, it is mainly about correct posture and all the information that will be useful before the first shooting.

​What is sport shooting?

In short, it consists in the deliberate and controlled use of firearms, sometimes also pneumatic ones, for hunting, recreational or sporting purposes. While all of these categories count as sports, most shooting sports are competitive. During the competition, shots are fired at specially prepared targets, usually targets.

​What is shotless training all about?

In the case of shotless training, weapons without ammunition or dummy weapons are used for training. Thanks to this, you can develop certain habits that will be necessary during real shooting. In addition, we acquire skills then. They will allow us to learn the proper shooting technique and avoid basic mistakes.

Shotless training allows you to deepen your theoretical knowledge and muscle memory, which may prove to be important when performing proper training.

And what is muscle memory? It is about situations when the body begins to intuitively perform certain movements. It is therefore necessary to repeat the same activities regularly, thanks to which a kind of memory will be created and the muscles will get used to the new routine. First of all, muscle memory helps you get back in shape faster after a long break, muscles adapt more easily to effort and remember specific movements. In addition, it allows for better regeneration of the body after training.

​How does shotless training work?

If we are beginners, it is worth asking an instructor for help at the shooting range in Krakow, who will introduce us to the basics of shooting. As long as we practice on our own, we can develop bad habits that will be difficult to eradicate over time. This is why the knowledge and guidance of a mentor can be essential.

Before the first training, it is worth getting accessories, such as a shield, holsters, carrying straps. At the beginning, it may be enough, but the longer we train shooting, the more necessary it will be to buy other accessories, such as a timer/stopwatch. This will enable us to achieve much better results.

During non-shot training, concentration is practiced, weapon handling, accuracy and strengthening of those parts of the body that are responsible for controlling the weapon are improved. It is worth focusing on two types of exercises:

  • Slow action on the trigger – in this case, it becomes about 25m from the target and aims at the target. Then we focus our eyes on the muzzle and try to aim at the designated target, after which we give 20 shots with each hand.

  • Static – here we also stand at a distance of 25 m from the target. We pick up the gun, rip all the sights, hold the gun in the air for half a minute and take a break for another half minute. It is in this exercise that a timer or stopwatch may be necessary, which sets the time of exercise and breaks.

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